Syria is one of the biggest fields where the apex of cooperation and convergence between Islamic Republic of Iran and Russia could be seen in years in spite of the foreign propaganda.”
The year 2011 was the beginning of the crisis in Syria. Western countries, led by the United States, with supporting terrorism and terrorist activities in Syria, imagined that they could overthrow the legitimate government in Syria in a very short period of time. Even, some Western officials also announced that the Damascus government will be overthrown within days or weeks.
However, the arrival of Syria’s allies into the battlefield changed the equation in favor of the Syrian government. As the main ally of Syria, the Islamic Republic of Iran played a key and leading role in this country from the very beginning of the crisis. In fact, it was the discourse of Islamic Resistance that led Iran to enter Syria. Lebanon’s Hezbollah Resistance Movement also fought against Takfiri terrorism on Syrian soil in the extension of this Islamic Resistance discourse.
In the meantime, Russia is considered as one of the parties that entered Syria alongside its allies. Russia’s entry into Syria was due to the common interests between “Moscow” and “Damascus”. In other words, it was these common interests that paved the way for Russia to enter Syria. Its is noteworthy that the involvement of Russia in Syria took place at the official request of the Damascus government under President Bashar al-Assad.
Therefore, contrary to what the United States, Western countries and a number of Arab countries claim, Russia’s presence in Syria is completely legal and in accordance with international law. Since the Russians entered the country at the official request of the Syrian government, their presence there is legitimate under international law.
Therefore, contrary to what the United States, Western countries and a number of Arab countries claim, Russia’s presence in Syria is completely legal and in accordance with international law. Since Russians entered the country at the official request of the Syrian government, their presence there is legal and legitimate under international law.
With the entry of Russia into Syria, the triangle of power in this country was completed. The cooperation of Syrian Resistance forces, the Islamic Republic of Iran and Russia in the fight against terrorism led this powerful triangle to gain numerous field achievements against the American-Zionist axis. In fact, the strength of the triangle strongly challenged US-sponsored terrorists and other Western nations.
In the meantime, the outstanding role of the Lebanese Hezbollah Resistance Movement as another pillar of power in the fight against terrorism in Syria cannot be ignored. Lebanon’s Hezbollah also participated alongside Syrian Resistance forces in the fight against Takfiri terrorists and now, it has played an important and undeniable role in achieving victories on the battlefield.
According to what has been said, apart from unsparing supports of Syria’s main allies i.e. Islamic Republic of Iran and Hezbollah, Russia’s presence in Syria has also been influential over recent years.
The influential link between the Islamic Republic of Iran and Russia in Syria has led to the activation of think tanks in the United States, Western countries and also in Israel. In these think tanks, the strategy of creating a rift between Tehran and Moscow was designed and the responsibility for its implementation was delegated to the Zionists.
The Zionists employed all their media and propaganda activities to carry out the mission entrusted to them by American-Western Think Tanks. In the first place, Israeli officials induced and suggested that Russia has reached an agreement with the United States over expelling Iran from Syria. The Zionists raised the allegation that Russia is pressurizing Iran to leave Syrian soil and territory and in return, it (Russia) is receiving concessions from the United States under previous agreements.
Another allegation made by Zionists for sowing seeds of discord between Tehran and Moscow was that the coordination between Iranian and Russian sides in the Syrian case was cut off and the two sides i.e. Iran and Russia continue to play a role in Syria separately and without coordination. This is while that if that was the case and allies in Syria were divided, terrorism would have not been defeated in Syria in practice.
Among the other allegations raised in this regard with the aim of dividing Iran and Russia is the issue of reconstructing Syria. The Zionist regime’s media leveled baseless allegations that Iran’s share of rebuilding Syria is ‘negligible’, saying that Russians have taken over Iran’s portion in rebuilding Syria.
However, several visits of high-ranking Iranian economic and industrial officials to Syria in recent weeks and the signing of major agreements on Tehran’s participation in the reconstruction of the country put an end to all the rumors and suspicions raised by Zionists in order to distract public opinion.
The fact is that part of Russia’s interest lies in strengthening the geography of Iran and Syria. Therefore, it is clear that the Zionist regime’s propaganda to create division between Tehran and Moscow in the Syrian case is futile. Although Iran and Russia may have different opinions tactically during the war on terrorism in Syria over the past years, the level of these differences has not affected the friendly relations between the two countries of Iran and Russia.
Thus, despite all malicious attempts aimed at creating a division between Moscow and Tehran, Syria is considered as one of the biggest filed of cooperation that shows the highest level of cooperation between Iran and Russia over the past years.