US Seeking to Force Sudan to Return to Western Camp: American Analyst

Force Sudan
Force Sudan

“In all likelihood, the US is playing a role within the opposition and government,” Abayomi Azikiwe, editor at the Pan-African News Wire, said in an interview with the Tasnim News Agency.

“Washington and Wall Street want to control events so that Sudan is firmly returned to the Western camp and sheds any semblance of anti-imperialism or independent domestic and foreign policy, as it exemplified in the past,” the analyst added.

Abayomi Azikiwe is the editor of the Pan-African News Wire and a co-founder of the Michigan Emergency Committee Against War & Injustice (MECAWI) and the Moratorium NOW! Coalition, both based in Detroit. Azikiwe has published numerous articles, pamphlets, and books on African affairs along with working as a consultant for various satellite television news networks throughout the world. He has traveled extensively in Africa conducting field research on political economy and history.

The following is the full text of the interview:

Tasnim: A month after Sudan’s President Omar al-Bashir was removed by a military coup, protest and opposition leaders on Wednesday called for a campaign of civil disobedience in response to what one of them described as the military’s “disappointing” answer to their proposals for an interim government. What do you think about the latest developments in the African country? How do you predict the future of the developments? Will the military council hand over the power to a democrat government?

Azikiwe: Recent events during the post-coup period has exposed the fragmentation and general political crisis of the opposition groups which held demonstrations leading to the removal of former President Omer Hassan al-Bashir by high-ranking military officials. There are negotiations to establish a joint civilian-military governing council. However, there is no firm agreement on the numerical composition and proportional representation of the envisioned temporary ruling body. The principal groupings which appear to be in the leadership of the opposition currents now talking with the transitional military council, the Sudan Professional Association (SPA) and the Forces for Freedom and Change, want to gain power immediately. Nonetheless, at some point in the near future, there has to be an election. This is what the African Union is calling for and the pressure from various political tendencies inside the country will become more evident as the weeks pass absent of a nationwide poll. What is often not discussed is that there are other political tendencies such as the Democratic Unionist Party (DUP) and the Popular Congress Party (PCP) which have significant support inside the country. In an electoral contest, these parties will have an opportunity to campaign openly and draw upon the historical support they have received in Sudanese politics.

Tasnim: According to media reports, there have been some meddlesome measures by Saudi Arabia and the UAE in Sudan. However, Sudanese protesters have declared their strong opposition to the two countries. What do you think about the future of relations between Sudan and the two Arab countries and do you think that the next Sudanese government would be an ally of the two?

Azikiwe: The Saudis and Emirates want to maintain influence in Sudan for various reasons. Unfortunately, ousted President al-Bashir has sent troops to fight alongside the pro-imperialist countries and militias seeking to destroy the Ansarullah resistance movement in Yemen. A withdrawal of Sudanese military units would send a signal to other imperialist-allied states that the war, although lasting for over four years, is not sustainable. There is also the question of maintaining cooperation related to the exploitation and marketing of oil which Sudan has substantial reserves. The National Congress Party (NCP) led administration under al-Bashir has made numerous overtures to the United States. Nevertheless, in all likelihood, the US is playing a role within the opposition and government. Washington and Wall Street want to control events so that Sudan is firmly returned to the Western camp and sheds any semblance of anti-imperialism or independent domestic and foreign policy, as it exemplified in the past.

Tasnim: As you know, Sudan is part of Saudi Arabia’s disastrous military campaign against Yemen. Given that a huge number of the Saudi-led coalition forces fighting in Yemen are Sundanese, what do you think about the effect of developments in Sudan on the protracted war on Yemen?

Azikiwe: The involvement of the Sudanese Armed Forces in Yemen on the wrong side of the genocidal war has weakened the capacity of the state to address domestic concerns. Due to the economic downturn engendered by the decline in oil prices five years ago, Sudan has been adversely impacted. Prices have gone up in the last several months. Nevertheless, there has been a restructuring of the oil market accounting for the enhanced role of the US and other states creating a drop in demand from the emerging countries, particularly those targeted by successive regimes in Washington which have sought regime-change in states such as Iran, Venezuela, Russia, and Brazil. Therefore, Sudan is being placed at an even more disadvantaged position than other targeted states since they have undergone a fracturing within the governing politico-military strata as represented by al-Bashir and the NCP.



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