Excessive heat in Najaf cause of weapons depot explosion

weapons depot explosion

According to the Iraqi Joint Chiefs of Staff, the main cause of the explosion at the weapons and ammunition depot in Najaf was excessive heat, not a drone strike.

Iraqi Joint Chiefs of Staff announced that the cause of the explosion on Monday evening in one of the weapons depots in the west of Najaf was not an unidentified drone, but excessive heat in the city.

On Monday evening, a large explosion has been reported at positions belonging to the Iraqi Popular Mobilization Units (PMU) or Hashd al-Sa’abi in the Iraqi holy city of Najaf.

PMU Imam Ali Division announced in a statement that one of its camps in Najaf province has been targeted by drones.

“Baghdad Today” news website has said in a report that the attacks took place at 15:30 and 17:30 Baghdad local time.

According to the Imam Ali Division, reconnaissance operations began after the attacks.

The Sabereen telegram channel also reported that the drone attacks were carried out by the Zionist regime of Israel, but this account was not confirmed by official Iraqi sources belonging to al-Hashd Shabi.


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