‘It’s not over,’ Trump declares 1 day before Electoral College votes, claims US looks like ‘3rd world country’

Electoral College votes
With the Electoral College vote looming and enough states certifying their counts to clinch Joe Biden’s victory, Donald Trump said “it’s not over” and his campaign will continue pursuing legal avenues to flip the election results.

“We’re going to speed it up as much as we can, but you can only go so fast,” Trump told ‘Fox & Friends’ in an interview that aired on Sunday. The president cited “numerous local cases,” including in Wisconsin, that could still help prove his allegations of voter fraud.

“They give us very little time. But we caught them, as you know, as fraudulent, dropping ballots, doing so many things, nobody can even believe it,” he said.

The Supreme Court’s recent decision to shoot down a challenge from Texas and other states seeking to challenge the results in multiple swing states that slipped in Biden’s favor was viewed by many as the president’s last hope at re-election. Trump has slammed the Supreme Court’s decision.

“The Supreme Court, all they did is say we don’t have standing,” the president said. “So they’re saying essentially the president of the United States and Texas and these other states, great states, they don’t have standing.”

Barr, Trump claimed, had an “obligation” to come forward and “set the record straight” when Hunter Biden became a point of controversy during the election over allegations his father was involved in his foreign business dealings. Attorney General Bill Barr has also become a target of Trump over a report that Barr knew of federal investigations into Hunter Biden, the son of Joe, but purposefully withheld the information from the public and congressional Republicans during the election.

“What happened to this country is we were like a third world country,” he said, adding he’s concerned about what will happen to the US with an “illegitimate president” like Biden in office.

On whether he will attend the Democrat’s inauguration, Trump refused to answer.

“I don’t want to talk about that,” he simply said at one point, maintaining the election is not over.

The Electoral College will officially vote on Monday. It’s expected to cement Biden’s presidential victory ahead of his January inauguration. “No, it’s not over,” Trump said. “We keep going and we’re going to continue to go forward.”


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