US recourse to use JCPOA mechanism ‘groundless’


“@AmbJohnBolton has repeated today what he said on May 8, 2018, while National Security Advisor in the Trump administration,” Zarif tweeted early on Monday, referring to an Op-ed by former US National Security Advisor John Bolton who notes that JCPOA supporters are ‘right’ about the fact that “Washington has no standing to invoke its [JCPOA’s] provisions” since it has withdrawn from the deal.

“At least he is consistent—a trait notably absent in this US administration,” added Zarif.

“US recourse to Dispute Resolution Mechanism in 2231 has NO LEG TO STAND ON,” highlighted the Iranian minister.

The remarks come as the Trump administration claims it has the right to trigger the snapback mechanism, as a JCPOA signatory, that could potentially return UN sanctions against Iran. Meanwhile, Iran and other signatories of the deal note that Washington cannot legally do so as it has officially ‘ceased participation’ in the deal in May 2018 and has not attended the sessions of the JCPOA Commission afterward.


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