Referring to the US Department of State’s statement that the UNSC best place to discuss arms embargo, Ulyanov in a tweet on Sunday wrote, “US has already tried this “best place” and failed.”
“Because the attempt to extend arms embargo in violation of UNSC res.2231 was unjustifiable,” he added.
“By the way, the assertion that US for 19 months tried to foster dialogue with Russia on embargo also doesn’t correspond to reality,” Russian diplomat said.
The UN Security Council rejected a US bid to extend an arms embargo on Iran on Friday, which is due to expire in October.
Besides the United States, only the Dominican Republic voted in favor of the draft. China and Russia voted against the text, and the remaining 11 Security Council members, including the European allies of the United States, abstained.
The United States has become isolated over Iran at the Security Council following President Donald Trump’s withdrawal from the multilateral Iran nuclear deal 2018.
Iran had said that the US resolution would fail to gain the required support at the Security Council, pointing out that Washington has no legal right to invoke a snapback mechanism to reinstate sanctions against Tehran under the 2015 nuclear deal that the US unilaterally left in May 2018.
The US has stepped up attempts aimed at extending the UN arms ban on Iran that is set to expire as part of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), which has been endorsed by Security Council Resolution 2231.