Ayatollah Khamenei Issues Statement on “2nd Phase of Revolution”

Ayatollah Khamenei
Ayatollah Khamenei
In the major and strategic statement released on Wednesday on the occasion of the beginning of the fifth decade of the Islamic Revolution, Ayatollah Khamenei thanked the Iranian nation for magnificent presence in the countrywide demonstrations in celebration of the 40th anniversary of victory of the revolution.

In the statement, addressing the younger generation, the Leader explicated the glorious achievements of the Islamic Republic over the past forty years, highlighted the realistic hope for the future and the role of the youth in making great strides towards the aspirations, and outlined the necessary elements for such a great move in 7 chapters.

What follows is the text of the statement, released by Khamenei.ir:

In the Name of God, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful

All praise is due to Allah, the Lord of the worlds, and peace and greetings be upon our Master and Prophet, Ab-al-Qassem Al-Mustafa Muhammad, upon his pure and immaculate household, upon his chosen companions and upon those who follow them in charity until the Day of Judgment

Among all the nations suffering from oppression, few make an effort to launch a revolution; and among those nations that have risen and launched a revolution, few have been witnessed to have pursued it to the end, or moved beyond merely changing the government and safeguarded their revolutionary values. However, the auspicious Revolution of the Iranian nation—which is the greatest and most popular revolution of the contemporary era—is the sole revolution that has persisted forty years of pride, saved from betrayal to its values, and it has preserved its dignity and original slogans against all the temptations which seemed irresistible; hence, entering the second phase of self-development, society-processing and civilization-building. Heartfelt salutations to this nation, the generation who initiated and continued [the movement] and the generation that currently steps into the magnificent and global phenomenon of the second forty years!

The day when the world was divided into the material West and East, and no one presumed a major religious movement would emerge, the Islamic revolution of Iran stepped into the scene gloriously and mightily; it broke the frameworks; it flaunted to the world the outdatedness of the clichés; it put the religion and the material world together, and declared the coming of a new era. It was much expected that the leaders of deviation and oppression would react—but in vain. Whatever the right and left modernity did— from pretending to ignore this emerging and unprecedented voice to extensive efforts for suffocating it— just brought them closer to their indispensable demise. Today, after forty annual celebrations of the victory of the Revolution and forty Fajr ten-days, one of the two centers of animosity has already perished, and the second one is struggling with predicaments that signal its death in the near future. Whereas, the Islamic Revolution is advancing while preserving and adhering to its mottos.

It is possible to assume an expiry date for anything, yet, the global mottos of this religious revolution are exceptional; they will never expire because they match human nature in all eras. Freedom, ethics, spirituality, justice, independence, dignity, rationality, brotherhood, are not limited to a single generation or society so that they would rise in a period and decline in the next. It is impossible to imagine a people who despise these values. The reported cases of reluctance to these values were due to the officials who had shrunken from these religious values; and not due to their adherence to them and endeavors for achieving them.

The Islamic revolution—like a living and unwavering phenomenon—is always flexible and ready to correct its mistakes, but it is not revisionary or passive. It is positively sensitive to criticisms; it regards them as a divine blessing as well as a warning to those who do not act upon their words; yet it, by no means, takes distance from its values, which are blended with the religious faith of the people, thanks be to God. Since the establishment of the system, the Islamic revolution has never suffered from, and will never suffer from stagnation and recession, and it does not see any conflict and contradiction between revolutionary dynamism and political and social order; rather, it eternally defends the theory of the revolutionary system.

The Islamic Republic is not reactionary and it does not lack perception and understanding in face of new phenomena and situations; however, it strongly adheres to its principles and it is highly sensitive to its frontiers in relation to its rivals and enemies. It never imprecisely regards its principle lines and considers it important as why and how it would persist. Undoubtedly, the gap between the musts and the realities has always tormented the idealist consciences; however, this gap is fillable, and in the past forty years it has been filled in many cases, and certainly in the future, with the presence of a young, faithful, wise and motivated generation, it will be filled more vigorously.

The Islamic Revolution of the Iranian nation has been mighty, but merciful; forgiving and even oppressed. It has not committed any of extremist and deviated acts that have marked many other uprisings and movements with stigma. In no conflicts—not even against the United States or Saddam Hussein—did it ever shoot the first bullet and, in all cases, it defended itself after the enemy’s attack; of course, it blow the defensive strike vigorously. Since its inception, this Revolution has never been merciless nor has it ever shed blood; it has neither been passive nor hesitant. Standing assertively and courageously against bullies and thugs, it has defended the oppressed. This revolutionary bravery and gallantry, this honesty, assertiveness, and sovereignty; this global and regional realm of action in support of the oppressed of the world represent a source of pride for Iran and the Iranians, and may it persist eternally!

Now, at the beginning of a new chapter in the life of the Islamic Republic, I would like to address my dear young people: the generation who steps up to start another part of the Great Jihad [selfless endeavor] for building a great Islamic Iran. The first section of my address concerns the past.

Dear ones! You cannot learn but from your own experience or listening to the experiences of others. Many of what we have seen and experimented, your generation has not experienced and seen yet. We have seen and you will see. The decades ahead are your decades, and it is you who should protect your revolution while you are qualified and full of motivation, and move it closer to its great ideal: that is, the emergence of a new Islamic civilization and the preparation for the rising of the great sun of wilayat (may our souls be sacrificed for him) [Imam Mahdi (a.s.)]. To take steady steps in the future, we need to develop a good knowledge of the past and learn from the experiences. If this strategy is neglected, lies will replace the truth, and the future will be menaced by unknown threats. The adversaries of the revolution are strongly motivated in their efforts to spread distortions and lies about the past and even the present, exploiting money and all the necessary tools for it. The bandits of thought, creed and awareness are ample; the truth cannot be heard from the enemy and its troops.

The Islamic Revolution and the establishment that rose from it started from scratch. Firstly, everything was against us: the corrupt regime of Taghut [Pahlavi tyranny]—which, in addition to its dependence and corruption, tyranny and being coup-based—was the first royal regime in Iran that was brought to power by the foreigners rather than by the force of sword; the government of the United States and some other Western governments; or the extremely chaotic situation inside Iran; and the shameful backwardness in science and technology, politics, spirituality, and any other virtue.

Secondly, there was no precedent experience before us and the path ahead of us had not been treaded. Obviously, Marxist uprisings and the like could not represent a role model for a revolution that emerged from the heart of Islamic faith and knowledge. Islamic revolutionaries began without an example and experience, and the combination of a republic and Islam and the means for the formation and progress of it were not achieved except through the divine guidance as well as the luminous heart and the great thought of Imam Khomeini. And this marked the first brilliance of the Revolution.

Then, the revolution of the Iranian nation transformed the bipolar world of that day into a three polar world, and then, with the fall and disappearance of the Soviet Union and its allies and the emergence of new poles of power, the new dichotomy of “Islam and the Arrogant Front” became a prominent phenomenon of the contemporary world and the focal point that is attracting the world’s attention. On the one hand, the aspirated look of the oppressed nations, freedom-seeking movements and some independence-seeking states of the world fixated on it; and on the other hand, it was screened by resentful and malicious eyes of the world’s bullying regimes and blackmailer thugs. Such, the world adopted a different orientation, and the seismic power of the Revolution shook the untroubled pharaohs. Hostilities began with all intensity; if it was not due to the magnificent power of the faith and the motivation of this nation and the heavenly and endorsed leadership of our imminent Imam, it was impossible to resist the hostility, conspiracy, and vice [directed at us].

In spite of all these onerous problems, the Islamic Republic took greater and stronger steps day after day. The past 40 years exhibited great jihads, brilliant achievements and amazing advances for the Islamic Iran. The magnitude of the progress made by the Iranian nation in the last forty years is well-recognized when compared to similar spans following other major revolutions such as the French Revolution, the October Revolution of the Soviet Union and the Indian Revolution. The jihadi management strategies inspired by Islamic faith and the belief in the principle of “we can do it”—that Imam Khomeini (r.a.) had taught us all—assisted Iran in its achievement of dignity and progress on various arenas.

The revolution put an end to a long historical decadence, and the country, which was severely humiliated and utterly retrograded during the Pahlavi and Qajar dynasties, started to progress rapidly. In its first step, the revolution turned the disgraceful regime of the tyrannical monarchy into a popular and democratic state, and employed the element of national determination—which is the essence of comprehensive and genuine progress—to the heart of the country’s governance; then, it turned the youth into the main forerunners of the developments and the key players in the management of the country. It conveyed the “we can do it” spirit and belief to everyone; thanks to the enemies’ sanctions, it taught everyone to rely on domestic capacities, and this unfolded a source of great blessings:

Firstly, it guaranteed the stability and security of the country; the territorial integrity and the protection of the borders—which were targeted by the enemy’s serious threats—and gave rise to the miracle of victory in the eight-year war, leading to the defeat of the Ba’athist regime, and its American, European and Eastern supporters.

Secondly, it acted as the country’s engine in developing the field of science and technology, and in creating the vital, economic and constructional infrastructures which continue to grow more prevalent day by day: several thousands of knowledge enterprises; several thousands of infrastructure and necessary projects for the country in the areas of civil engineering and transportation, industry, power, mining, health care, agriculture and water; millions of university graduates or students; thousands of colleges and universities throughout the country; dozens of big projects, such as the nuclear fuel cycle, stem cells, nanotechnology, biotechnology, etc., all ranking among the top of the world; developing sixty times more non-oil exports and nearly ten times more industrial units. The quality of the industrial sector advanced tens of times more than before; the industry that only relied on assembling and montage was transformed into domestic technology; in various engineering disciplines including the defense industries visible prominence was observed; achievements were made in the critical fields of medicine and the position of authority in it; and dozens of other examples of progress are the outcomes of that morale as well as the social involvement and the collective feeling that the Revolution granted to the country. Before the revolution, Iran had zero production of science and technology; it had no capability in industry except for assembling and no ability in science except for translation [of other works].

Thirdly, the Revolution has elevated to a culmination the popular participation in political matters such as elections, confronting internal seditions, turnout in national arenas and scenes involving the fight against the Arrogant Front. Regarding social matters, it boosted, for instance, humanitarian aids and engaging in charity activities that had begun before the Revolution. After the revolution, people eagerly partake in service-providing to those affected by natural disasters and social shortcomings.

Fourthly, it astonishingly enhanced the political acumen of the people and their view of international issues. The Revolution expanded beyond the limited number of isolation-seeking elites—often known as the enlightened—the political analysis and understanding of international issues on the matters such as crimes by the West and particularly the United States; the Palestinian cause and the historical oppression of the Palestinian nation; the issue of bullying powers’ warmongering attitudes, vices, intrusions in other nations’ affairs and the like. This type of intellectualism became widespread and available to the masses throughout the country and in all areas of life, and similar matters have become understandable and clear even for teenagers and children.

Fifthly: It distributed the country’s public facilities in a manner closer to justice. If I —this very humble person—am not satisfied with the functioning of justice in the country, it is due to the fact that this lofty value should shine like a unique gem on the Islamic Republic, but it has not yet. However, my dissatisfaction should not be taken to mean that no work has been done for the establishment of justice. The reality is that the achievements made in combating injustice over the past four decades are not comparable to any other era in the past. During the regime of Taghut [tyrannical dynasties], most of the services and revenues of the country were available only to a small group of the residents of the capital city or their counterparts in other parts of the country. The people in most cities, especially in remote areas and villages, were at the end of the list and often deprived of basic infrastructure and services.

Today, just like the first days after the Revolution, the sovereign Iran faces challenges from the imperialists, arrogant powers; yet, there is a meaningful difference. If the challenges posed by the United States those days involved ending the intrusion by foreign agents or closing down the embassy of the Zionist regime in Tehran, or exposing the spy den [the former US embassy in Tehran], today, the challenges concern Iran’s strong presence near the borders of the Zionist regime, putting an end to the United States’ unlawful infiltration in the West Asia, the Islamic Republic’s support for the Palestinian people’s resistance at the heart of the Occupied Territories as well as defending the high flying flag of Hezbollah and the resistance throughout this region.

If then the West’s concern was to prevent Iran from buying basic weaponry, today, their concern is to prevent the transfer of advanced Iranian weapons to the Resistance forces. If on those days, the United States presumed that the Islamic government and the Iranian nation could be vanquished with the help of a few Iranian sellouts and a small number of aircrafts and helicopters, today they feel they need a coalition of tens of hostile or daunted states to counter Iran on the political and security fronts; and yet, they fail. Thanks to the revolution, Iran today stands out at an elevated position, one that the Iranian nation deserves to enjoy in front of the world; and Iran has already passed the challenging twists on the path of resolving its fundamental issues.

However, the trail traveled so far is merely a portion of the glorious path towards the exalted ideals of the Islamic Republic. The continuation of this path—which is most probably not as demanding as the past—must be traveled with the willpower, vigilance, swiftness, and innovation of you, the young ones. Young managers, young executives, young thinkers, young activists in every field—ranging from politics, economy, culture, international relations, to religion, ethics, morality, and justice—should shoulder the responsibilities by making use of the experiences and the lessons learned in the past, applying the revolutionary view and the spirit of jihadi actions in order to build our dear Iran as a comprehensive model for an advanced Islamic government.

An important point that needs to be considered by those who build the future is that we are living in a country which is distinctive in terms of natural and human resources. Yet, many of these resources have been left untapped or only slightly exploited due to negligence by the officials. Great endeavors as well as revolutionary and youthful motivations will be able to activate them, marking a real leap forward in the country’s material and moral progress.

The most important aspiring potential in the country is the potential and proficient human resource that enjoys a deep, noble foundation of faith and religion. The young population under 40—an important part of which is the result of a birth boom in the 80’s—represents a valuable prospect for the country. Enjoying a population of 36 million people aged between 15 and 40; nearly 14 million people with higher education degrees; ranking the second in the world by the number of science and engineering graduates; numerous young individuals brought up with a revolutionary spirit and ready to work for the sake of God and for the love of their country; and large numbers of intellectual and investigating young individuals who are in the job of creating scientific, cultural, industrial and other types of products, add up to the enormous wealth of the country that cannot be compared to any material reserves.


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